Meet Alyssa Berardi:
Recipient of The 7th Elijah Straw Helping Hand Award

Alyssa Berardi (middle, with proud parents Karissa and Justin): Recipient of the 7th Elijah Straw Helping Hand Award
The Elijah Straw Memorial Fund and the entire Straw Family were honored to present O'Hara Elementary School 2nd grader Alyssa Berardi with the seventh Elijah Straw Helping Hand Award for her exceptional friendship, kindness towards others, overall good citizenship, and most of all, for embodying the core values ("Respect, Responsibility, Integrity") of O'Hara Elementary School. Alyssa received a certificate of merit, a Barnes & Noble gift card, a pizza party for her classroom, and most importantly, a chance to donate an amount equal to her gift card to a local charity of his choice.
From Alyssa's nomination letter:
In every situation, Alyssa is more than willing to help, whether it is a peer or an adult. She does so in a kind and unassuming way, without regard for recognition or praise. Alyssa makes everyone feel that they have value and that they matter.
Alyssa also told us that she would like to pursue teaching as a career. We are sure that any student of hers would benefit from her positive attitude and generous nature, and we wish Alyssa luck in her future vocation!
More Photos of Alyssa
Please click on any image to see a larger version in a new window.

Alyssa with her parents Karrisa and Justin, and with
Principal Mike Rowe and Assistant Principal Aaron Rae |

Alyssa with parents Karissa and
and Jen and Tom Straw |

Alyssa with proud parents Karissa and Justin |

Alyssa with her class, about to hear the news of the pizza party! |
Please consider donating to the Elijah Straw Memorial Fund via the Pittsburgh Foundation using the link below:

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