The Elijah Straw Memorial Fund

The Elijah Straw Memorial Fund and the entire Straw Family were honored to present O'Hara Elementary School 5th grader Gemma Agens with the 33rd Elijah Straw Helping Hand Award for her exceptional friendship, kindness towards others, overall good citizenship, and most of all, for embodying the core values ("Respect, Responsibility, Integrity") of O'Hara Elementary School. Gemma received a certificate of merit and a Barnes & Noble gift card! The Fund will also be donating to the charity of Gemma's choice an amount equal to the B&N gift card in Gemma's name.

Gemma's teacher and nominator, Mrs. Turk, has this to say about her: 

Gemma shows respect to all people . . . and responsibility by setting a wonderful example as my line leader, being an exemplary bus patrol by helping younger friends every single day, and working hard both in and out of the classroom. She upholds her integrity by always being honest, working hard, and following expectations even when an adult is not directly monitoring her. She shows integrity by sharing her mistakes in math class to help those who may be too timid to share, and then walks though how she overcame that mistake. It is truly wonderful to see!

Congratulations, Gemma! We look forward to seeing what you pick up at Barnes & Noble!

Please consider donating to the Elijah Straw Memorial Fund via the Pittsburgh Foundation using the link below:

The Pittsburgh Foundation

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Beautiful Elijah

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