The Elijah Straw Memorial Fund

The Elijah Straw Memorial Fund and the entire Straw Family were honored to present O'Hara Elementary School fifth grader Christian Dantey with the twenty-fourth Elijah Straw Helping Hand Award for his exceptional friendship, kindness towards others, overall good citizenship, and most of all, for embodying the core values ("Respect, Responsibility, Integrity") of O'Hara Elementary School. Christian received a certificate of merit and a Barnes & Noble gift card! The Fund will also be donating to the charity of Christian's choice an amount equal to the B&N gift card in Christian's name.

Mr. Ivanusic, Christian's teacher, had this to say about him: 

Christian has shown a knack to positively interact with his peers, both boys and girls, with varying abilities and backgrounds. He is sensitive to others' needs. If helping or assisting a student, he will not "do it" for the child, but guide he or she along. He often is heard complimenting others and has a high moral compass. Christian also has a constant, engaging smile that allows others to approach him without worry. He is also a great role model for the younger kindergarten students.

Well done, Christian! We look forward to seeing what he picks up at Barnes & Noble!

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Christian Dantey, 24th recipient of the Elijah Straw Helping Hand Award
Christian Dantey, 24th recipient of the Elijah Straw Helping Hand Award

Christian with proud parents Kossivi and Kathy and little sister Ellie.
Christian with proud parents Kossivi and Kathy and little sister Ellie.

Christian with Jen and Tom Straw
Christian with Jen and Tom Straw
  Christian with Vice Principal Edwards, fifth grade teacher Mr. Ivanusic, Principal Batis, and Jennifer Squeglia
Christian with Vice Principal Edwards, fifth grade teacher Mr. Ivanusic, Principal Batis, and Jennifer Squeglia

Please consider donating to the Elijah Straw Memorial Fund via the Pittsburgh Foundation using the link below:

The Pittsburgh Foundation

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Beautiful Elijah

Beautiful Elijah

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About Elijah




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