The Elijah Straw Memorial Fund

The Elijah Straw Memorial Fund and the entire Straw Family were honored to present O'Hara Elementary School 5th grader Sydney Inglis with the eleventh Elijah Straw Helping Hand Award for her exceptional friendship, kindness towards others, overall good citizenship, and most of all, for embodying the core values ("Respect, Responsibility, Integrity") of O'Hara Elementary School. Sydney received a certificate of merit, a Barnes & Noble gift card, a pizza party for her classroom, and most importantly, a chance to donate an amount equal to her gift card to a local charity of her choice.

Here are just some of the glowing remarks teachers offered when nominating Sydney:

“Sydney was chosen because she is an all-around good citizen of O'Hara Elementary. She is an outstanding bus patrol. Always making sure the younger students are safe and supervised. She is an outstanding student leader and role model for all of the other students.”

“Sydney Inglis is a student who is continually going above and beyond expectations both in art as well as her interactions with others. She is a sweet and talented young lady with so much kindness and generosity which she uses regularly to assist others.”

“Sydney is a perfect candidate . . . a great model for others to look up to!”

“Sydney is a model fifth grader . . . She demonstrates respect, responsibility, and integrity on a daily basis.  Her maturity is evident when she puts the needs of others before her own.  Her kindness towards others makes her stand out . . . ”

Great work, Sydney! You make your parents, your community, and O'Hara Elementary proud!

More Photos of Sydney

Please click on any image to see a larger version in a new window.

Sydney with Prinipal Rowe and Vice Principal Rey
Sydney with Prinipal Rowe and Vice Principal Rey

Sydney with the Straws: Tally, Jen, and Tom (kneeling to look skinnier!)
Sydney with the Straws: Tally, Jen, and Tom (kneeling to look skinnier!)

Sydney with her prinipals and her parents!
Sydney with her prinipals and her parents!
  Sydney in Dr Rowe's office, getting news of the Elijah Award!
Sydney in Dr Rowe's office, getting news of the Elijah Award!

Please consider donating to the Elijah Straw Memorial Fund via the Pittsburgh Foundation using the link below:

The Pittsburgh Foundation

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Beautiful Elijah

Beautiful Elijah

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About Elijah




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