“Allie has been demonstrating a new level of friendship and maturity in the past few months. As one of her friends puts it, ‘Allie is loyal.’ Allie always handles all of her friends with grace, and responds to them with sincerity and kindness. Allie has developed a new level of trustworthiness, predictability, and dependable social skills. I have also seen Allie purposefully interacting with other students who have needs . . . Allie offers help to those in need, and she has a quiet, special way of finding something nice to say to everyone. Most of the time, you would never know these quiet little gestures are being extended. She does them unto others without fanfare, but if you watch and listen carefully, the soft friendship builders are a blessing to behold."
Allie gave an excellent Thank You talk to her class after the awards presentation. She has already decided that she wants to make her donation to a local orphanage, and she plans to use her gift card to buy something for her classroom.
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